Flourishing Mind-Sahan has made a difference

The Flourishing Mind Project/Sahan Project was commissioned by Tower Hamlets CCG and included 3 organisations in Tower Hamlets to create a greater awareness on mental health in Somali women, offenders and young people. . Somali Integration Team was one of the 3 groups involved in this powerful project and worked with over 130 Somali women in:

  • Increasing people’s knowledge about mental wellbeing and mental health issues in the wider community
  • Improve mental wellbeing of people taking part in the project
  • Reduce Stigma associated with mental health issues

Nine out of ten women said:

  • More positive attitude to mental health
  • Learnt how to have good mental health
  • Increased confidence using local services

Participants expressed sentiments such as those below.

“I don’t feel good sometimes. Things get to me. Now I know that is normal. Everyone has good and bad times. It is ok to talk about it and help each other out.”

“We women need to stick together. Talking about things helps. Life is hard but together we are stronger